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Basic inSec and the R Flash Mechanic

The mythical inSec in action; as a Lee Sin player this the first mechanic for you to master, this mechanic requires comfortable handling of your keyboard and a whole lot of muscle memory. Its a great idea to parctice this mechnic in a practice tool first in order to familiarize yourself to the combo provided bellow.

Tip: Customize and get comfortable with your hotkeys :)


 Lee Sin's Ultimate skill is the Dragon Rage kick, where he instantly roots the target enemy champion for 0.25 seconds after which he roundhouse kicks them dealing physical damage and  knocking them back 1200 units over 1 second. Lee Sin's R is a channeling ability where you can redirect the direction of his kick through the use of the summoner spell flash. One should practice and be familiar with the timing of the channeling of the ability in order to pull this mechanic off.


Tip: Know which button are you comfortable to put on your Flash (e.g. D or F)

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